You are already 100% worthy & powerful, just as you are, right now


Free Stuff

Listen to The Fitness Freedom Podcast!

Discover joy, peace, & freedom through food, exercise, & your body


What You REALLY Need to Know to Enjoy Fitness for Life

Get the secrets to stop dreading fitness & start feeling good about your body.

If you've ever done a diet, worried that you really should change your body, or dreaded exercise...

& you know there has to be a better way for you to actually enjoy fitness, somehow...

Find out now:

Fitness Motivation Masterclass

Want to know the secret to motivation for your fitness?

I've been consistent in exercise for almost a decade, never missing a workout I plan.

Enjoying both my veggies & cookies has been a staple for me for years.

Find out how to get & stay motivated in healthy habits for life in this masterclass:

Self-Care Masterclass

Do you know you need to practice better self-care, but it feels overwhelming?

Get the why, what, & how on self-care, so you can experience more energy, peace, & clarity in your life!


5 Free Workouts

Workout anytime, anywhere

Become Friends with Food & Say Goodbye to Diets for Good 👋

Shift your relationship with food in 7 days with 7 simple practices

Healthy Habits Guide

Discover how to create any healthy habit in 3 simple steps

The Ultimate Fitness Goal Checklist

The super simple 10 step plan to get you from where you are now to accomplishing your next fitness goal in a way that works for YOU

Paid Offers

Join The 4H Method

Your body, your home.

Your health, your hero journey.

This is the BEST way to work together for your health & fitness.

Do the 24 Hour Health Reset

This is the best health reset online.

Nourish your body & rejuvenate your health in just 24 hours.

Join The 30 Day Healthy Habits Jumpstart

This is for you if you have a healthy relationship with food & exercise, & you're wanting to jumpstart your workout routine & eating habits in the next 30 days.

Get 1:1 Coaching with Me

Book a 55 minute session to get coaching on your fitness, nutrition, & or mindset.

Great for overcoming a challenge or working towards a goal together.

Hire Me As a Speaker

Want a Health Workshop, Program, or Presentation for your group?

Fill this out & I will get back to you on further steps. 

Want to collab in a creative way?

If you would like to be a guest on my podcast,

hire me for in person movement or educational groups,

or have another idea you'd like to discuss,

please send an email to:

[email protected].

Let's connect:



Madison, WI, USA

Directly contact me here.

Copyright 2024 - MLRosko Fitness LLC - All Rights Reserved