Your health, your hero journey.
Read till the end to find out why, & how it could be the exact thing you've been looking for:)
Do you just wish you could feel FREE & GOOD in & with your body... & it could not be so damn hard?
Would it be HEAVEN for you to actually enjoy fitness & make actual progress without, you know… all the drama?
...So you can enjoy your life just being yourself?
You know somewhere deep down you deserve it, & it’s got to be possible for you…
✖️ If you're being really honest with yourself, you’ve struggled (maybe even your whole life) feeling like something is “wrong” with your body,
Like if only your "flabby" arms were more toned, you'd be ok...
Or if only that little pouch of belly fat could disappear, then you'd feel confident...
(You might even say you love yourself, but if you're being painfully honest? It's a little more love/hate.)
✖️ You’ve gone to extremes with diets or exercise,
Looking for the newest diet or "lifestyle change," being strict with your food choices,
Pushing yourself to pain in your workouts, scared of taking too many rest days lest you lose all your progress
OR not being able to get yourself to exercise, & eating "out of control" way more often than you'd like to admit
So the goal post always stays just out of reach.
✖️ You constantly hear this mean, nagging voice in the back of your mind saying,
“You’re not doing enough exercise"
"I can't believe you eat like that"
“You're not working hard enough... you should do more”
You can be harsh with yourself & your body.
✖️ OR you tell yourself "When I get to x weight or x goal, then I'll finally feel good about myself"
So you keep searching for the next solution...
But it's not working, & truthfully, you're frustrated & exhausted with the unfulfilled goals.
✖️ It's tough to find that KIND balance & consistency with exercise & eating long-term, like for years & decades, AND enjoy it...
You might get it for a bit, but then it's hard to maintain, or it feels like pulling teeth.
It’s like you & exercise are frenemies, & your relationship status with food is: “It’s complicated.”
✖️Even reading this, you might be thinking, "Woah I'm not that extreme... this is for someone else!"
But you KNOW you could be enjoying health & fitness so much more than you are right now, & you crave fun freedom with your body, exercise, & food...
✖️ You really want to be your happiest, healthiest self & ENJOY life more in your body, through your body, with your body... without the stress, confusion, pressure, & worry
But you're not sure exactly what to do, or how...
My friend,
If you felt a "yes" to even one of these points...
Like something lit up inside of you...
It's not your fault it feels so hard.
We live in a culture that has fed us lies around how our bodies should work, how we should look, & what we should be able to do...
Making us believe that we're the problem –not the diets, not the standards, not the workouts– so we keep trying to fix our bodies.
It's putting money in the pockets of a select few, & giving our power away to oppressive systems...
-The global fitness industry is worth $96.7 billion as of 2022 (source: Statistica). The wellness industry makes up over 3 trillion dollars globally.
-Eating disorders grew from 3.4% in 2000 to 7.8% in 2018, globally (source: The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
-Multiple studies prove that over 90% of diets don’t bring sustained weight loss over time (source: pubmed), & that up to 20% of dieters end up with an eating disorder.
-Only 1 in 3 people in the USA get the minimum amount of exercise per week, & almost half of adults are not active exercisers at all. But the opposite is just as harmful: as many as 7% of regular exercisers could be considered compulsive exercisers, harming their bodies with overtraining.
-A study shows 58% of women & 39% of men worldwide experience body image distress (pubmed).
We've never been more obsessed with our bodies, diets, workouts, health hacks, or wellness products. Yet something is not adding up.
We’re chasing health & acceptance & ending up with less.
Here's the elixir to heal you.
You NEED to know the truth about you if you want to thrive...
There is nothing wrong with you or your body. Your body is wise & good, right now.
& you CAN enjoy the healthy life of joy, peace, & freedom you crave.
It's not.
✔️ Have your best energy yet, to live the life YOU want, & do all the things you love?
✔️ Experience deep peace & freedom with food –no guilt, obsession, or confusion?
Like you feel the same about a chocolate sprinkle donut as you do about a chicken avocado salad.
You know how to eat for your body, based on feedback & science, & food becomes an empowering, enjoyable relationship in your life.
✔️ Move your body consistently with confidence & JOY, so you feel like your best self?
Exercise is not so LOADED for you anymore, & you move with pleasure rather than pressure.
You even train like a master:
Like you know how to workout for YOUR body... whether it's a 20 minute strength workout using your bodyweight at home, a much-needed stretch sesh, or an easy walk under green trees...
You know your body & you enjoy movement as a form of care.
✔️ Walk into a room with your head held high, connected & engaged with others, without worrying about how you look or if your body is ok?
(...Even if your ex is in the room, or your biggest crush is there [or both!])
You own your bright self –all of you– from the inside out, & feel better in your body than you ever have before.
Your body becomes a beautiful place for you to experience all life has to offer, an ally & guide on your journey.
But actually through allowing, doing less, & having more fun?
What if you could have ALL of that...
Starting with just you & you.
NOT a workout program to do, NOT a diet to follow, NOT a gym to join, NOT fancy food to buy, NOT a number goal to attain...
& from that connection...
to discover hope in your inherent worthiness & infinite power,
& create the happy, healthy life YOU really want,
through super simple habits you can enjoy for the rest of your life?
It's a revolutionary, singular program based on science & spirituality.
Most fitness & health programs start with how much you weigh, what you eat, & how you exercise, without addressing the root issues behind your struggles.
Instead, we start with you & your worthiness & power (hope), then shift mindsets & rebuild habits around movement & food to experience joy & nourishment in both (habits).
You continue to add transformational yet simple habits that take your whole self into account (happiness), before you continue to build on your strong, unbreakable foundation with workouts, training, nutrition, lifestyle guidance, & mindset growth (health).
So you don't just get the fitness, & you don't just get the mindset: you get the inner work AND the outer work (but because you’ve done the inner work first, the outer work flows more naturally).
You get it all, in the order you need to make real, life-long transformations...
So you can express your full self, enjoy your life to the max, & do the things that are most important to you & impactful to the world...
& supports you in creating your own hero journey through your health…
We start with HOPE:
What's that?
You are 100% worthy & powerful, just as you are, right now.
You practice this truth through a crucial yet neglected need, connecting with your deepest self in rest.
You restore your body through 6 forms of rest, as a pathway to meet your unwavering worth & unlock your infinite power...
You meet yourself in a way you never have before, challenge yourself more than you could in any marathon or detox cleanse, & transform the rest of your life & health.
Then, we add HABITS:
If you want to transform your health, you don’t stop with hope.
You take those truths & practice them consistently over time, to see them realized in your life.
This is why you practice habits (they're not about perfection but intentional practice).
In this phase, you reconnect with your body with movement & food in a way you never have before, undoing harmful patterns & rebuilding a more loving relationship with your body through movement & food.
These two habits after rest radically shift your relationship with exercise, so you feel light & excited about movement, & your relationship with eating, so you feel enlightened & empowered by food.
All this compounds into HAPPINESS:
What happens next?
You continue to build simple habits that take your WHOLE self & life into account, meaningful habits you can keep for the rest of your life...
The 4H Method gives you the most important ones for your total wellbeing, since health is more than the physical...
You create daily, weekly, & monthly practices that take only a few minutes of your day & transform the rest of your life, bringing in more color & direction.
Through this stage, you gain clarity on your own needs, you make consistently positive, healthy choices for yourself, & you feel more confident in your body.
You better understand your own body, & it feels natural to do good things for it.
You add more joy & fulfillment to your life through the things that really matter for your health, so they're a no-brainer to keep doing.
You feel confident knowing what it takes, & that you can actually do it long-term.
This all results in true HEALTH:
You create your own healthy hero journey, starting with hope, & continuing with habits, compounding into happiness...
In this stage, you use science & education, spirituality & connection, & simple strategies & tools to support your continual growth...
So you live the life you want making fitness work FOR YOU (not you working for it).
Once you get to this stage, you’ll gain access to the ultimate health course: comprehensive, research-based education; interactive questions & extra resources; & effective tools & strategies on mindset, exercise, nutrition, & lifestyle. So you can empower yourself on your own hero journey.
You’ll also get an entire, progressive library of workout programs you can do at home, the gym, outside, your closet --anywhere!-- & anytime (since it's all online).
It's not about fixing yourself, but about having resources available for your next step.
PLUS, all along the way, you'll get personal support along with other heroes via conversations, sessions, & resources.
All this so...
✅ You are emancipated from society’s standards for your body, & free from your own internal critic.
You do not exist for the pleasure or approval of others: you exist to ENJOY life & EXPAND into your biggest desires. You recognize when the monster voices come up, & you don’t let them win.
✅ You feel empowered in your body & health, knowing not just the what of health, but also the why, & how for YOU.
You become in tune with your body, heart, & mind, & uncover the richest parts of life (the good, the bad, & the ugly –not just the unchallenging stuff). You move through the world owning your strong body, & serving the greater good in your own way.
✅ You have energy to do what you want, when, where, & with whom you want.
Because you’re in tune with your body, & have the knowledge & skills to make more positive choices for yourself, you have the focus & drive to spend your energy on the things that really matter to you, with enjoyment & satisfaction.
I've been through my own dark hell in the form of an eating disorder.
I starved myself for years,
before I spent more years of my life bargaining with food & exercise,
in a continuing cycle of sinning & atoning.
I spent years of my life hating my body, afraid to eat around others (let alone admit my hunger), & strenuously exercising to the point of injury & pain.
What I'm sharing with you here is the way I found true health & happiness.
I eat all foods in a nourishing & enjoyable way, I enjoy a variety of exercise without obsession, & I practice love for my body.
I also practice the 4h method myself, every day.
But it's not just for me...
I started my health & fitness coaching business in 2020. After I got certified as a personal trainer & nutrition coach, I started helping others in their fitness too.
Before that, I had about a decade of teaching experience (I know how people learn).
In the beginning, I got sucked into the whole "weight loss for money" in business, until I almost lost everything & had to re-discover my own why.
I've rebuilt my business to decenter diet & fitness culture, & make my containers safe places for you to grow in your health, fitness, & life from
already enough.
You learn by doing, not by theorizing:
I've found, in my work with well over 100 clients all around the world, from severe eating disorder to casual dieter, from age 13 to age 80, that The 4h Method contains the golden truths & practical applications that make the biggest differences for deep health.
It's GOOD, & it WORKS…
"I actually like how it’s split, as you don’t feel overwhelmed with too many new tasks at once. Each section really has you thinking about your relationship with this particular area."
"I like that it wasn't 100 changes at once. I really struggled with some life changes all at once, and I get burned out quickly..."
"I'm excited for more to come..."
The 4H Method is not a timed program that finishes in x days or x months, like most other programs; & it’s not centered around reaching one specific goal, like losing x amount of weight.
It’s a lifelong place & community for you to continually connect with yourself & others, practice healthy habits, have fun, & grow.
Here’s all you get when you join:
✔️ Your own home online (a personal app + membership site) to learn, practice, & connect with your coach & other heroes (away from social media & distraction from ads or external parties) so it's easy to make new discoveries, be consistent, & access support, wherever you are in the world. In your online home, you get your own schedule, habits, tools, trackers, & access to all the growing resources & workouts.
✔️ So many resources, lessons, reminders, & opportunities you can always revisit to help your health & fitness flourish, in a nurturing environment
✔️ A sturdy structure in the program with simple, sequential steps to support your growth, so you don't feel overwhelmed, & you actually CRAVE the next steps
✔️ Support & connection with other heroes doing the same things as you so you never feel alone or lost
✔️ Simple daily, weekly, & monthly habits that take little time but will exponentially transform your health practice
✔️ Professional tools & trackers to make fitness easier & more fun, with personal data for feedback, all in one place
✔️ Over 50 video in-depth discovery lessons & accompanying questions & resources that culminate into an ever-growing, comprehensive course on mindset, exercise, nutrition, & lifestyle to create your own healthy hero journey
✔️ An entire library of progressive, balanced, & smart workouts for all levels & goals, that you can do ANYWHERE, anytime. The programs take you from the basics to mastery level, so you'll grow stronger no matter your starting level (even if you consider yourself an expert or feel totally incompetent with a dumbbell), so you can become your own master trainer.
✔️ Access to new materials & offers for the program while you are a hero so it's never-ending (your investment goes a LIFELONG way!)
✔️ Regular group sessions for connection & support on your rest, movement, eating, & health
✔️ Additional options for 1:1 coaching with your coach, as you need, so you always have access to expert help
(It's here for you!)
A home that feels safe, cozy, & beautiful, full of laughter & love.
A place to rest, play, & create.
Trust & work WITH your body, as your greatest friend & guide in life –no more working against it...
Feel comfortable, confident, & enough in your home.
Express your unique essence with the world, just being you...
No matter how your body looks or what it can do, how much you weigh, or what size you wear...
Come home, to your body.
Your body, your home.
(what adventures lie ahead?)
Go out on adventures, meeting new challenges, discovering exciting mysteries & knowledge, using the tools & skills you learn along the way.
Create your path one step at a time, working with your body as your ally, & moving from fiery desire for what you want for your life.
Write your own hero narrative for your health, one that's uniquely yours...
Using fitness as a tool, not because you have to, but because it’s fun & YOU WANT TO…
Empower yourself with exercise, & become a mighty, wise master in your movement…
…without needing a group class or trainer to tell you what to do...
...without needing to run x miles or workout x minutes in order to feel like it's enough.
Get the knowledge & frameworks to make smarter, more balanced choices in your training, for your present & future selves.
Move with confidence & joy, trusting your body & treating it with care...
Be at peace & free with all foods, & eat to nourish & enhance the life you want to live…
…without needing a diet or meal plan to tell you how to eat...
...without needing rules or numbers in order to feel safe, but learning to trust your body.
Understand the principles & science of nutrition, so eating feels empowering.
Eat with pleasure & abundance, & without the guilt or fear...
Discover the inner shifts, expert knowledge, & simple ways to make fitness work FOR you –your desires, your values... YOUR LIFE.
& feel better than you have before, inside & out.
Your life, your health.
Your health, your hero journey.
When you join The 4h Method, you instantly become a hero & become a part of the hero huddle.
You have your coach to provide compassionate & expert support. & you're also with other heroes, going through the same structure as you.
You can connect & share with other heroes.
You can encourage each other & ask questions when you need help.
You can create deep relationships for life.
No matter where you are in the world, you'll have a solid support system in The 4H Method.
I feel like soooo many people would become more powerful through 4H, just by virtue of existing in a world where certain appearances and movements are “better.” I’ve been able to recognize ways that those beliefs have shaped me, and I’ve grown stronger in a way that I want and love with the structure and support of the program 🩶"
Take a deep breath. Look around. Feel the safety in this moment.
You have everything you need!
You don’t need to fix anything, or figure out one more problem, or fight anymore, in order to be enough.
You are already whole in this moment.
The 4H Method isn't about filling in something you lack.
It exists to remind you that you are already inherently worthy & infinitely powerful. This is the best place to start for true, deep health. HOPE.
It supports you with the safe structure & step by step strategies you need to make it real in your daily life. HABITS.
So you can enjoy total health in all areas of your life, & fulfill the life you long for. HAPPINESS.
& to continue express your unique self: emancipated, empowered, & energized. HEALTH.
The 4H Method supports you in accessing & using what you already have.
If you've forgotten what it feels like to be at home in your body, or have never experienced it before...
If you long for more growth & expansion in your health, from a place of already enough...
& do it in your unique way...
This is your invitation to discover more of who you already are, & who you will become...
Feeling at home in your worthy body, so you can express your brightest self & enjoy your life...
Making your health your own powerful hero journey, the story that you write for the good of all...
Using fitness as a tool to empower you, not harm you.
Make real growth in your fitness & health in a beautiful, open, magical, abundant, honest space.
It's so simple & doable, yet so deep & effective.
You have the power to create the healthy life you want,
working with your body.
your body, your home.
your health, your hero journey...
Can't wait for you to join The 4H Method, for you to get the goodness that lies ahead, & to be a part of your exciting adventures!
Copyright 2025 - MLRosko Fitness LLC - All Rights Reserved