your health, your hero journey.
You are exchanging the value of money for the value of the services in the 4h method.
Beyond that, you are investing into your body, health, & life for the rest of your life, & beyond. It is safe for you to invest in YOU, & you are welcome here.
Note: The main purchase amount is for entrance into the program. You also have a monthly subscription of $14 that will be indefinitely applied for unlimited access (you will continue to have access to everything in the program, & you can leave if you want).
Make sure to click BOTH of the payments. If you choose only the entrance amount, your card will soon be charged the subscription fee. If you choose only the subscription fee, your card will soon be automatically charged the entrance fee. If it is declined, your access to the program will be removed. Send any inquiries to [email protected].
For you math lovers:
The average cost for health coaching is between $200-$600 monthly, sometimes up to $1,500 a month, as of 2024 (source: motion therapy).
For just one year in The 4H Method, you are investing $333.33 (not including the processing fee) a month + the $14.71 subscription fee.
For five years, it’s $66.66 monthly + the $14.71 subscription fee.
For ten years, it's $33.33 monthly + the $14.71 subscription fee.
You can also see it as less than half the investment of one semester in a U.S. university, or about the average deductible for one year's worth of health insurance in the U.S.
The 4H Method is a lifelong investment & support for your health & fitness.
If you deeply want to join, but currently don't see available funds at your disposal, I encourage you to ask for the money, feeling how incredible it will be to join The 4H Method. & with expectation it will come, perhaps not in the way you imagine, be open to opportunities that come your way.
If you deeply want to join, & do see available funds at your disposal, I encourage you to consider the gains you will receive over the losses. Money is a renewable resource; & you can spend it in ways to make your quality of life richer & fuller, which will bring you even greater returns in all areas of your life.
Register immediately to arrive at your 4H Method home.
Check your new online home & your email for your first instructions!
You will start on the soonest Monday.
We cannot wait to meet you!
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