You are already 100% worthy & powerful, just as you are, right now

Become the Hero of Your Own Health, Body, & Life

Become the healthiest you've ever been, without having to try so hard, even if you've done 'all the right things' & it hasn't worked OR you're a complete fitness newbie

Hey, I'm Michelle.

I'm a fitness coach, personal trainer, & nutritionist.

& I’m going to give you some fitness advice that goes against EVERYTHING you’ve heard so far…

You’ll know it’s for you if you feel a huge sigh of relief inside…







See, you might consider yourself a (recovering) perfectionist...

▪️ You like to get it right. You’re conscientious. You excel at just about everything you do. You probably got (or get) good grades in school.

▪️You might hear, “You’re so great at what you do!” from others, but deep down, you feel like they’re lying.

▪️You always feel like you have to keep up. & it never feels like enough.

▪️You tend to have all or nothing thinking. Once you make a mistake it’s hard for you to get back up, so you try to be good as long as possible before you "fail"

& when it comes to your health, this is where things get messy…

You have a love/hate relationship with food.

▪️ You don’t trust yourself fully with food, especially that one you can't control yourself around

▪️ You feel confused about what REALLY works & what doesn't with all of the information out there

▪️ You might emotionally eat when you’re stressed or eat "too much." You feel out of control with food sometimes.

▪️ You might have been restrictive with eating in the past with diets or meal plans.

▪️ You might do both, restricting sometimes & letting go at other times. You feel proud or guilty, depending on what you ate.

With exercise...

▪️ You might be super disciplined. You probably have a specific distance or exercise you make sure you do daily, or weekly. You keep at it religiously. Some might even think it’s too much.

▪️ Even though you know you should do more, it feels like exercise is the one thing you can’t get right. It's so confusing, you don't know what's what.

▪️ You might even go through periods of working out super hard, then doing nothing for weeks at a time.

& let’s not even start on your body… 

▪️ It’s hard not to pick at the flaws you see when you look in the mirror.

▪️ Sometimes the image you see doesn’t even feel like YOU.

▪️ No one might know, but deep down you don’t feel confident in your body. There’s always something that could be better.

▪️ You secretly wish you could be free from these obsessive thoughts around food, exercise, & your body.

▪️ You wish you could be “normal,” eat what you want without worrying, exercise without thinking about what you’re earning or burning off, & look in the mirror without overthinking it….

You secretly sometimes wish you could be from these obsessive thoughts around food, exercise, & your body.

▪️You wish you could have more lightness in your body, like you see in some people you envy. How do they do that?

▪️You feel bad that this takes up so much of your mental space, & you know you could do so much more that you actually love if this weren’t such a thing.

▪️You want to be free from the up & down cycle.

▪️You want to know exactly what to eat & how to exercise in an enjoyable way that works for YOU & YOUR body

▪️You might doubt it’s even possible for you.

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Because it’s so hard...

Believe me, I get it…

Having struggled with an eating disorder for years of my life, I know how challenging it can be to simply accept your body... & even like it.

I used to stand in front of the mirror & only see flaws.

The number on the scale would determine my mood for the day.

I thought I was being healthy by only eating “clean” & having a strict exercise schedule, but I was actually destroying my body…Completely out of touch with my hunger, & starving myself daily.

But there is a way out...

I eventually got help & started my road to recovery, but then I felt even more out of control with food & exercise.

I hated the way my body felt.

Most of all, I wanted to be free from the tyranny food & exercise had over my life.

I wanted to stop the restrict/binge cycle.

I wanted to feel good in & about my body, regardless of the number on the scale.

I wanted to feel strong, light, free.

I wanted to know the truth about fitness, once & for all…

That’s how I discovered the 4H Fitness Method...

It’s the framework I've used for myself & clients to to live the healthiest life in a simple, sustainable, & enjoyable way

But before I share what that is...

Do you know that your struggles with fitness is not your fault?

Get this:

➡️ 9 out of 10 women feel dissatisfied with their bodies & resort to dieting to try to change it.

➡️ Nearly 30 million Americans will have an eating disorder in their lifetime.

➡️ Fitness is an 87 billion dollar industry.

Something is not right...

The worst lie the fitness industry sells us is that we need to look or behave a certain way to be desirable, beautiful, good enough.

We're sold empty promises in diets, perfect workout plans, & "lifestyle changes" that simply don't work, then told it's our fault.

We just need more willpower, motivation, & self-discipline. That doesn't work either. So we go up & down, never getting anywhere...

But it IS possible for you to find a way to live your healthiest life AND enjoy it, without the struggle.

I know, because I live it, & have helped my clients do the same...

Through YEARS of trial & error, frustration & confusion, & finally freedom… I discovered the 4H method. It’s a simple framework to understand how to find freedom, joy, & peace with exercise, food, & your body.

But first, the biggest, scariest thing I had to do was…

Accept myself, just as I was.

See, the reason most of us struggle with perfectionism in the first place is we believe that something is fundamentally wrong with us.

Like we’re dirty, or flawed. We think we’re not good enough, so we have to earn approval, lose ourselves, or meet some external standard to finally be enough.

& we do this with fitness.

The truth is... There is nothing wrong with you.

& the secret to gaining the freedom you want in your fitness will not come from trying harder.

In fact, you have to STOP trying so hard.

It can actually be ENJOYABLE & FUN. Free. Peaceful. Joyful.



The 4H Method:

The 4H Method: HOPE

You are already 100% worthy & powerful, just as you are, right now. Acceptance of exactly where you're at & acknowledgement of your power to create is the foundation for everything.

The 4H Method: HABITS

As you shift your mindset & make small changes over time, you let go of what's holding you back, & healthy choices become easier.

You create “anchors” in your daily, weekly, & monthly routine to help you see the results you want, feel safe in your body, & make progress without going to extremes.

The 4H Method: HAPPINESS

But we have to do it all in a way that takes our holistic selves & our happiness into account. If we’re doing all the right things, but we’re miserable, there’s no true health. Your happiness matters. (It does.) Enjoyment is the portal to freedom!

The 4H Method: HEALTH

When we have those 3 things, we have health.

We are free to do what we want, when we want, with people we want, for how long we want… without the inner criticism, or pressure from external standards.

We are empowered because we know what works for US. Not following some rules or our own strict standards.

We know what our bodies like, & want, & we care for them enough to do it.


The Holy Grail of Holistic Health

I’ve taken the 4h method based on nearly 20 years of trial & error, research, & experience... & put it into one comprehensive, HOLISTIC program so that by the end you have everything you need to become the healthiest you've ever been, inside & out, without having to try so hard.

you become free from the control with food & exercise, at peace with your body, & You're able to live the full life you want.

In 5 Phases over 6 months, YOU GET…

All the most important mindset shifts you need to make healthy choices obvious & easy.

High quality, efficient, progressive workouts that give you real results in a short amount of time, without burning you out.

The most up to date scientifically sound nutrition guidance, along with effective strategies & tools… without any restrictive diets or strict meal plans… so you know exactly what works for your body & your goals.

The key holistic lifestyle changes you must make in order exponentially improve every area of your life & look & feel your best

The Holy Grail of Holistic Health

provides you with...

The safe structure you need to thrive in

The simple steps to take you from exactly where you are now to reaching your biggest goals, no matter where you're starting

The scientific strategies you can use to make practical changes that last

The sympathetic support to encourage & challenge you each step of the way

From a client...

"I feel stronger, I have more energy, and I've lost 6 kilos since starting the program...The more important change is that the

program has helped me create a sustainable lifestyle"

Before we began working together, I struggled most with consistency and nutrition. I knew what I SHOULD do, but it felt overwhelming to make a plan and stick to it. I set alarms to work out and was generally good at sticking to that, but had a tendency to beat myself up if I couldn't manage the half hour or more I'd planned on doing. I didn't really know how many calories I should be eating because there are so many different 'calculators' and they all gave wildly different answers, so instead of tracking anything, I just tried to eat 'healthier' foods. I made some progress, but it was very slow going, so it was a bit disheartening and felt like it would take a long time to get anywhere I wanted to be.

...I had seen a lot of your posts on Facebook and some of them helped inspire me when I felt like giving up, but I've never been good at asking for help... I felt like you really understood what I was going through and that I could trust you to help me. Where I'd felt like my issue before starting the program was motivation, I think really that had a lot to do with overall mindset. I would feel very discouraged if I 'messed up' or didn't do a workout to the extent I'd intended, or ate something very fatty or sugary. I felt like I needed to change everything at once to see results, but doing that wasn't sustainable...

The program has helped me build habits little by little, and to shift a lot of my mindset, so when I only have 5 or 10 minutes or I really don't feel like doing anything, I can remind myself that something is better than nothing and do those 5 or 10 minutes, happy with the fact that I at least did SOMETHING, even if it wasn't perfect... I feel as though a lot of programs focus almost ENTIRELY on just changing your diet and exercising, but for me, the mindset and the approach to those things has been the biggest game changer, because I don't have to feel bad for 'cheating' on a diet or not doing an hour of intense exercise every day.

Physically, I feel stronger, I have more energy, and I've lost 6 kilos since starting the program (and nearly 10 total since I started trying to lose weight 3 months before the program), I'm many centimeters smaller, and clothes are fitting better. While I did want to lose weight, and still have a lot to go before I'm at my goal in that aspect, the more important change is that the program has helped me create a sustainable lifestyle that I believe will eventually get me there, and continuing to live a healthier life even after I achieve that goal, because I love myself and I love my body (despite all that it puts me through sometimes), and I want to be around for a long time for the people that need me, so the biggest takeaway for me is that I need to take care of myself if I want to be able to take care of anyone else.

What HHHH is all about...

You not only discover what works for your health & fitness during the program...

You take the skills, knowledge, & inner resources with you for the rest of your life.

HHHH isn't about telling what food you have to eat or forcing you to exercise, but helping you reprogram your mind & habits permanently...

So you can live the healthy life you want with compassion, wisdom, & self-trust...

For the REST of your life...

The 5 Phases:

We start with the most important basics & add on to them progressively, as you become the masterful hero of your own health.

🌕 Phase 1: Awareness

“Awareness is the greatest agent for change.”

-Eckart Tolle

💡 You begin with awareness of exactly where you’re at personally, so you can instantly see positive shifts & start to build healthy habits around movement, food, & time.

🌕 Phase 2: Improvement

"Small daily improvements over time lead to stunning results." -Robin Sharma

💡 Based on what you discovered in Phase 1, you make improvements in your workouts, food choices, & routine to accelerate your progress. You'll feel more confident in your progress, physical & mental.

🌕 Phase 3: Deepening

“Me & my body have been on two separate sides. We’ve never, until recently, been on the same side.” -Paula Abdul

💡You go deeper into your relationship with food, exercise, & yourself so you can experience profound improvements & more joy around fitness. You'll start to notice more energy, clothes fitting better, toner muscles, more freedom with food, & more consistency with exercise in this phase.

🌕 Phase 4: Incorporation

"In essence, if we want to direct our lives, we must take control of our consistent actions. It's not what we do once in a while that shapes our lives, but what we do consistently." - Tony Robbins

💡 Become a naturally regular exerciser for life, add food habits that make healthy choices the default, & stop stress from overtaking your life & sabotaging your health.

🌕 Phase 5: Master

“The more aware of your intentions and your experiences you become, the more you will be able to connect the two, and the more you will be able to create the experiences of your life consciously. This is the development of mastery. It is the creation of authentic power.” –Gary Zukav

💡 Discover how to create a lasting system of continual growth beyond the program, which exercises to do & how much, & change the way you look at food forever. Also, decide if you want to continue onto our Breakthrough Journey together (by invitation only).

🌑 Each phase includes at least 4 Discovery Lessons along with Dig Deeper Docs to help you apply everything to YOUR life, for your own unique goals & needs.

🌑 It doesn't tell you what to do for your own body & health: It gives you all the knowledge, tools, & support you need so you can make your own choices with clarity, confidence, & consistency. 

No shaming. No judgment. No criticism.

Just expert, comprehensive, & compassionate support each step of the way...

Support that wants what's best for YOU.

By the end of HHHH, you will be able to...

✅ Know exactly what to eat & how to exercise for YOUR needs & goals, in a way you can sustain for the rest of your life

✅ Rock any outfit (or go nude) with confidence & feel fantastic in your own skin

✅ Wonder “Who is that person?!” when you look in the mirror or realize how much freer you feel with movement & food

✅ Enjoy a donut or a salad without guilt or shame, or without having to "make up for it" or reward yourself later

✅ Feel at peace in your body, because you know how to care for it while accepting it with compassion

✅ Have more energy to wake up fresh & get through your days with excited at all you're able to do

✅ Design an effective fitness routine for yourself you can keep –one you don’t need a break from

✅ Be in YOUR best shape for YOUR body so you can go enjoy your life!


➕ Your own personal membership site & app.

➕ Your own personal schedule you can customize to your liking.

➕ Simple, sequential, & relevant habits to practice each day, week, & month to make changes that will last you the rest of your life

➕ Progressive, simple, & effective workouts to give you the most bang for your buck

➕ Nutrition guidance & tools to make healthy choices that work for your goals

➕ Progress markers to hold you accountable so you keep making progress

➕ Two monthly group coaching calls so you’re never alone

➕ One on one messaging access with your coach to support you each step of the way

➕ Unconditional acceptance & encouragement no matter where you're at

Ok, what's next?

The Holy Grail of Holistic may not be cheap... but it gives you everything you need to get the results you want. It’s not a $50 monthly gym membership or a $300 pay-once workout program.

It’s an investment in yourself that will pay dividends in your health for the rest of your life…

Allowing you to ENJOY your life fully & EXPRESS your unique self with the world because you feel your best. It’s a transformation that frees you from constantly thinking about food, or worrying about how you look, or feeling guilty for not doing enough.

When you compare the investment to the benefits, it’s a no brainer choice.

I want to make this as accessible to as many women as possible –who are ready & able to make their dream life a reality…


You could have all of the knowledge & support at your disposal, but if you’re not ready to apply it to your life, please don't waste your precious time, energy, & money!

If you ARE committed to taking action & growing, this is for you…

You’re getting...

♦️ Decades’ worth of wisdom from trial & error & discovering what DOES work,

♦️ 3 years of coaching experience with clients with different backgrounds, needs, & goals, ages 24-80, & representing countries all over the world,

♦️ Science-backed knowledge from being a certified personal trainer & nutritionist & coach,

♦️ Personal & community support to help you each step of the way…

My Certifications

I am a certified personal trainer, nutritionist, & online coach. I have invested years of education & experience into fitness. I have coached clients all around the world, ages 24-80, with different needs, goals, & histories.

I know YOU are unique, & I cannot wait to see how I can help you!

If you were to separate each investment into your health, this is what it might look like:

Gym membership: $50-$100 monthly

Personal Trainer: $50-$150 per session, 3x/week

Personal nutritionist: $50-$100 per session, 1x/week

Coach: $50-$250 per session, 1x/week

On the MOST conservative end, you’re spending $150 (personal trainer) + $50 (nutritionist) + $50 (coach) per week +$50 for the monthly gym membership, totalling $1050 per month.

On the other end, you’re spending $450 (personal trainer) + $400 (nutritionist) + $1000 (coach) + $100 (gym membership), totalling $1950 per month.

If that is what you prefer to do, go for it! But if you’re looking to get EVERYthing you need to make sustainable, enjoyable changes in your health, all in one place…

For a fraction of the total cost it would be to find 4 different sources of support…

For 6 months of...

◼️ Progressive, comprehensive, safe workouts you can do anywhere, with minimal equipment

◼️ Nutrition education, tools, & personal guidance to help you make changes that work for your goals & lifestyle

◼️ Key mindset shifts that make healthy choices obvious & simple, & that enhance every other area of your life, so you feel confident in your healthy decisions & happier in your everyday life

◼️ Holistic education & strategies to help you create a healthy lifestyle that is enjoyable & fits in with YOUR wants

◼️ Group coaching calls twice a month to get coaching, support, & to bring your own individual struggles

◼️ Daily quotes to reinforce what you’re learning & start your day off with inspiration & reflection

◼️ Weekly habits to help you practice what you’re discovering & apply it to your own life

Plus so much more…

Your investment:

One annual payment of $3333 (2 months payment off)


Monthly payments of $333 per month


After one year, monthly payments are $222 (or one payment of $2222 annually).

After two years, monthly payments are $111 in perpetuity (or $1111 annually).

You can leave your membership at any time. No end points (health doesn't have an end point. Come for the results & stay for the community & value). No minimum commitments beyond one month.

Full disclosure: This is not for you if...

❎ Your only goal is to lose a certain amount of weight in a short period of time, then gain it all back once you stop your strict diet & exercise regimen.

✅ You will discover how to create a healthy lifestyle that works for you, for life. No more ups & downs.

❎ You want to follow a strict diet & work out for hours every day.

✅ You can expect to spend about 30 minutes a day on your health with a flexible schedule that works for you & still see incredible results. Being healthy doesn’t have to be grueling, punishing, or harsh.

❎ You want someone else to do the work for you while expecting results.

✅ Your results come from you! YOU get to create the results you want. This is a GOOD, empowering thing. I am here to support you & give you everything you could need to be successful. YOU have to show up & do the work. & YOU get to say, "Damn! I look & feel so good! I did this!”

❎ You suck at communication & collaboration.

✅ If you join the program, the magic ✨ happens when you bring your full self, communicate with your coach, & we work towards your goals together. We humans heal & grow most in a supportive & safe environment, not trying to google it all alone. You will have a completely supportive, safe, & accepting environment where failure is welcomed, struggles are normal, & growth is encouraged. As long as you are showing up, your transformation is inevitable.

❎ You want to be shamed, criticized, or “kicked in the butt” into action…

✅ No drill sergeant tactics, no forcing you to workout, no shaming you for “falling off the wagon” here. Instead, I will coach you into making the most empowering & kind choices for yourself, to become more confident & self-reliant in your own health. When you learn trust yourself & your own body, you become limitless in your potential.

❎ You are feeling pressured into buying because you feel scared or think that nothing else will work, or that this is the ONLY solution out there for you…

✅ You are free to choose whatever you want. Please do what you know is best for you. Trust yourself to make the right choice for you, whether that's a no, later, or a yes. If you do feel it's the right match, I cannot wait to support you!

What's next?

Become the Hero of Your Own Health, Body, & Life Today!

Is this right for me?

You probably have some questions.

After all, it is an investment into your current & future health.

Let me help clear things up...

How does it work?

You will start on the soonest possible Monday, so you can get results as soon as possible.

The first week will be an orientation.

You can expect to spend 30 minutes - 1 hour a day during the first week.

Following the first week, each Sunday, you will have a new Discovery & an optional Dig Deeper Doc, along with a habit to focus on for the week.

You will have the opportunity to send a weekly report to your coach for personalized feedback & support, so you can overcome any challenge & keep making progress each week.

You will get progressive, safe workouts you can do anytime, anywhere, that are customizable for your needs. You will gain the mindset lessons & practical tools for making healthier nutrition choices that work for YOU. You’ll also have access to group coaching calls to get support & community with other healthy heroes around the world! (This is probably the most valuable part of the program you can't get anywhere else)

Will it work for me?

If you put in the work, I have zero doubt that you will see positive results. The secret is, there is no secret. Positive change & results come from doing key actions, day in & day out, based on scientific data & personal feedback. HHHH helps you make those key actions a natural part of your life.

Does it take a lot of work?

That’s relative! If you expect to lose 50 pounds & get a 6 pack by drinking a special detox tonic every morning… Yes, it will require more work than that. If you consider all the ways your current situation is costing you, & will cost your future self… No, this will make your life much easier in the big picture.

Does it take a lot of time?

A lot of fitness programs go for 90 days, or a few weeks. Nothing against that length of time, but I’ve found that the real changes come after the initial ‘honeymoon stage’ of starting a program. Motivation alone can last you a few weeks or a few months, but what about after it wears off? What’s going to keep you going?

It takes time & practice to build sustainable habits (which is what this program is all about) that fit into your lifestyle. & I want to set you up for success.

Get this:

If you live to be 80 years old, which is the average lifespan for women in the US, 6 months is 0.62% of your entire life. Can you imagine investing less than 1% of your life into your health, in a way that massively improves the rest of your life?

There’s no better investment you can make than in yourself, & that goes for both your money & time. You can make more money, but you can’t buy more time. Six months is miniscule compared to the rest of your life.

The program is designed for you to spend about 30 minutes a day total in it. Of course, you can spend less or more depending on your goals & desires. But that’s only 2% of your day. I promise you that if you prioritize yourself first, not only will the other 22% of your days will be significantly better, the rest of your life will be healthier & happier.

Isn't it too expensive?

I know personally how SCARY it is to invest in yourself. Fears of failure, fears of having enough, fears of getting the results you want...

Where you spend your money & your time speak louder than anything else about your priorities.

Money is relative to perceived value. There is nothing more valuable in your life than you, & your health.

You are worth investing in. Your health, your future, your goals, & your life dreams are worth investing in. So rather than ask yourself if it's too expensive, ask yourself what the cost is of NOT taking action on this.

The perfect program, coach, or solution doesn't exist. Change only happens with commitment & action. That's what investing in something outside of you requires you to do: to commit & act, on your behalf. & you are worth that.)

AND... Only you can decide for you. Trust yourself to make the most empowering decision for you. It might be HHHH; it might not be.

Would you like to have...

Start now:

Become the Hero of Your Own Health, Body, & Life

Become the healthiest you've ever been, without having to try so hard, even if you've done 'all the right things' & it hasn't worked OR you're a complete fitness newbie

I cannot wait to support you in your fitness, health, & life!

-Coach Michelle

Let's connect:



(608) 709-0899

Madison, WI, USA

Directly contact me here.

Copyright 2024 - MLRosko Fitness LLC - All Rights Reserved