What You REALLY Need to Know to Enjoy Fitness for Life

-fitness & food have been a kind of a BIG deal for you lately (or even your whole life)

-you find it hard to stay motivated to exercise & eat "right" long-term

-you've had a hate/love relationship with exercise, food, or your body

...you want to feel more empowered in your body, with exercise, & with food, like it just doesn't hold so much WEIGHT anymore

Get the bare facts & mind-blowing perspectives that will shift everything for you from heavy to light

(& maybe some new questions to bring you closer to your truth)...

so you can ENJOY fitness for life.

join the conversation:

Wednesday, August 28th, 11 AM CST

*I'm not calling this a masterclass but a conversation because I don't want it to be just me talking at you.

I will be sharing my personal story & some mind-bending, liberating perspectives...

& everyone will get a chance to share & ask & discuss in a safe environment.

From past conversations:

"Thank you so much! This has been awesome!"

"It's a quarter till 3 in the morning here, so that should be an attestment to how much I've appreciated being here!"

"It was really good... It was nice to share experiences with other people & you created space to share those experiences."

Copyright 2025 - MLRosko Fitness LLC - All Rights Reserved